Camera in hand

Yesterday I bought the camera I will take to Korea on this pilgrimage to record my journey:  the DJI Osmo Pocket 2

A local filmmaker friend of mine who makes some insanely awesome Star Wars fan films sold me this camera, as he had purchased a more recent version of it. He loaded it with useful and nifty accessories and showed me the basics of how to operate it. I will spend much of my summer playing with it and creating trial videos which I hope to upload here. 

I still need to get some hardware to use the SD cards with my MacBook Air, and at some point, this lightweight laptop will have to be replaced by something that can handle video more easily.

I also plan to bring along my iPhone to use for closer detail images and for the possibility of someone else shooting with me, should that situation arise. I have been making due with an iPhone 8, but this summer I will buy a refurbished iPhone12Pro or 13Pro.
