What does "Dreambus" mean?

This is an excellent question!  The title is a holdover from the earlier plan to make a film about EFL
teachers in Korea, and I've decided to keep the title for a few reasons:

  • It's catchy and curious
  • from https://www.theseoulguide.com/seoul-bus/
    When I go to Korea (especially that first year), I ride the bus everywhere. The public transpo is extremely reliable there.
  • The bus as metaphor for my life: stops along the way, people getting on and off the bus, the destination and the ride are both important, and I am not in the driver's seat!
  • Physical perspective riding a bus: raised above things around me, outside flashing by quickly
  • Being outside the culture and dominant language can often feel like being in a dream, where you don't really know exactly what's going on and sometimes culture shock experiences seem surreal
  • After I returned home from that first year in Korea, I often did dream about being there, only the dreams were confused and hazy. This created the effect of only seeing Korea as a dream in my own memory. And as we all know, memory is not accurate; it is always tinged with emotion, filtered through perspective, and often incomplete.
The "Dreambus" analogy has other connotations I will explore in the film as I make my pilgrimage, such as the "life is but a dream" concept and the notion of how traveling through time and space adjusts and changes our perspective on ourselves and on other people and places.
