Korea Dreambus

I had every intention of blogging more regularly. Instead, I’ve been uploading clips and thoughts on Instagram. It’s a lot easier than trying to type or edit blog posts on a phone!

Please head over to my Instagram and check out the content there.

My Instagram ID is emc033

I am more than halfway through my trip at this point. The pilgrimage has been incredible, with insights and moments of deep reflection, prayerfulness, and moving experiences.

I have met some beautiful human beings along the way— Koreans who God has placed along the path to help me: The seminarian Daniel in Seoul; Cindy, the sister of a Korean friend of mine from back home in Seoul; the husband and wife who ran the guest house I stayed at in Seosan. Not to mention random strangers who have helped me get to places by showing me which direction to go or helping me but a train ticket. My prayer has been that God blesses them through me as well.

One of the reflections that has risen to the top here is how truly interconnected and interdependent we all are. We humans feel so separate from each other. We truly are meant to be a human family with God as our Father. God calls all people to Himself. Being willing to be open to people and in relationship—even for the few breaths when our lives touch—can be a spiritual moment of connection and gratitude that points to our true purpose and potential.

Again, I want to say how grateful I am to everyone who has helped get me here. The love, prayers and support from all of you are also part of this interconnectedness. I am certainly not alone. I have all of you with me in my heart and continue my journey here through next Wednesday. God bless you!

With students at my former hagwan school. 🥰
