Funding and Budgeting

Please consider helping me make my pilgrimage film! 

Sponsor a night in a hotel, a train ride, a meal or two, or my Korean cell phone rental. Below is my up-to-date budget. Any amount will be helpful and deeply appreciated. Your name will appear in the credits unless you request to be anonymous. 

If you'd like to help me make this pilgrimage and film, please use Venmo, Zelle, or for other means, please contact me using the Contact form in the dropdown side menu (those three little lines in the upper left corner of the Home page). 

Some folks have already pledged and donated -- Komapsumnida! 

Pilgrimage and production BUDGETUpdated May 25, 2024AmountSponsored/ Donated
Airline Ticket$1,500.00$500.00
Myeongdong Hotel ECO 5 nights at $45
Train Seoul/Ulsan x 2$80.00
Hotel in Ulsan 5 nights $40
Bus trip/day trips$100.00
Food and drink$345.00
Cell phone rental$100.00
Other hotel stays$300.00
Sub-total Production
Post-production BUDGETAmountSponsored/ Donated
Online screening$250.00
Submission Fees$400.00
Sound Mix$350.00
Color correction$350.00
Sub-total Post-production
TOTAL BUDGET$6,850.00$545.00
